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Responsible hosting matters. Most guests and most hosts of short-term rentals (STRs) are good people, who behave as any good neighbor would.

However, when a guest or a host acts in a way that is disrespectful or disruptive to the property, the neighbors, or the neighborhood it can cast a shadow over all guests, hosts, and the entire STR industry. 

As responsible hosts, we seek to model the practices and behaviors of hosts who make a sincere effort to attract good guests and to be good neighbors.  Responsible hosts make a diligent effort to draw clear distinctions between themselves – and the homes they host – from those that could be considered “problems in the neighborhood”. 

We welcome visitors to our areas; we are hospitable; but we don’t welcome problem behavior from guests.  We want our neighbors to understand this about us, and understand that we have a shared vested interest in our communities.

Take the Responsible Hosting Oath

As responsible Scottsdale hosts, we commit that: 

  • We want good guest behavior, and we don’t condone bad guest behavior
  • We want to be both proactive and responsive
  • We love our  neighborhoods and communities, and we seek to represent the best of them
  • We believe part of being a good host is being a good neighbor
  • We welcome hearing from our neighbors
  • We contribute to our neighborhoods and have a vested interest in our community
  • We consider city officials and community leaders to be our partners
  • We add value to our communities, neighbors and guests
  • We are open to continued dialogue to foster a positive relationship with our communities
  • We will address any problem with guest behavior and update our hosting practices to prevent similar issues in the future




By completing this form, you commit to Scottsdale STRA’s Responsible Hosting Oath.